A term “utopia” has not only the positive associations. Behind this term are hidden all the fantastic descriptions of non-existent lands, in which good triumphed and life was full of freedom, equality and prosperity. These kind of descriptions you can also find in the Polish literature, for example, “Mikołaja Doświadczyńskiego przypadki” [The Adventures of Mr. Nicholas Wisdom] by Ignacy Krasicki or less well-known “Podróż do Kalopei” [A Journey to Calopea] by Wojciech Gutkowski, who in 1814 developed his vision of the ideal state, built by Polish emigrates in the Western Australia. However, in addition to the projects of the noble dreamers were also created frightening visions by crazy political ideologues and founders of sects who had tried to create an ideal society and a state by using violence and terror. Sometimes, those first turned into the others. On the one hand, we have a long list of treaties and literary works that grow out of protest against injustice, exploitation and humiliation of the majority by the minority. On the other hand, historical experience teaches us that old tyrannies are giving way to the new ones, that implement in a cruel way their plans. Hatred to the old world leads to fight with tradition and religion, the old elite and all who are accused of their defense are exterminated. Belief in a “brave new world” makes it easy to reject any ethical qualms and brakes. Sometimes, however, these radical dreams inspire moderate reformers, and then the pursuit of “happiness of mankind” does not necessarily lead to the systematic rape in the name of the principle “the end justifies the means”. Besides optimistic im-ages of a new fair deal in the achievements of European social and political theory one can also find specific warnings ie. treatises and literary works in which the prediction is dominated by the terrible fate of societies and nations subjected to terror of so called benefactors of mankind. Historical experience, especially from the time of the French and later the Bolshevik Revolution greatly multiplied the number of such “dystopias”, although they had occurred earlier too.