
1847. Letter from Wojciech Jastrzębowski to Hippolit Skimborowicz, editor of the magazine: "Przegląd Naukowy, Literaturze, Wiedzy i Umnictwu Poświęcony" regarding the publication of a fragment of the publishing house The System of the world applied to universal needs.

Testimonial 1
AGAD, Teki Skimborowicza XXV, sygn. 134

October 17, 1856. Letter from Jastrzębowski to Stanisław Przyłęcki regarding the publication of "Ten Reminders for the Farmer".

Testimonial 2
s. 2
Testimonial 3
AGAD, Archiwum Potockich z Łańcuta sygn.4102, s. 3

"Ten Reminders for the Farmer"

Testimonial 4
Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Correspondent: published twice a week by "Gazeta Warszawska". 1856, № 85 (October 24)


Selection and comments: Magdalena Morawska
Design: Templatemo 419 black white;
Layout adaptation: HWs